Dedication / Pran Dhyan

Journey Inside with PRAN DHYAN.
The simplest and highest method of meditation. Where have no argument, only are sensations.
यह ब्लॉग उन महान आत्माओं (संतों) को समर्पित है जिन्होंने गुरु शिष्य परंपरा के अंतर्गत मुझे इस योग्य समझा और प्राण ध्यान की विधि से मेरा परिचय कराया जोकि ध्यान की सबसे सरलतम एवं उच्चतम विधि है। उन महान संतों को, जिनका परोक्ष / अपरोक्ष आशीर्वाद सदैव मेरे सिर पर रहता है। इस आशय के साथ कि उनके द्वारा दिखाए मार्ग द्वारा मै उन लोगों का सहयोग करूँ जो किसी न किसी रूप में मानसिक रूप से परेशान हैं।जिन्हें शांति की तलाश है. सकारात्मक सोच और प्राण ध्यान के माध्यम से मै अपने पास वापस आ गया हूँ। यदि आप भी आना चाहें तो आपका स्वागत है। ध्यान रहे ! मै केवल आपको मार्ग दिखाऊँगा, चलना आप ही को पड़ेगा। अनुभूतियाँ आप ही को प्राप्त होंगी। अपने खुद के पास आइए, अपनी ऊर्जाशक्ति को बढ़ाईए। इस ब्लॉग को हिन्दी में देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

Journey Inside
Dedication: This blog is dedicated tothose great spirits(Sant), who being a follower of the tradition of Guru Shishya, deemed me worthy of attention and introduced me toPRANDHYAN,the method of simplest and highest form of meditation ; where direct and indirect blessings are always with me. With that learning andits effect I guide and support those who are suffering from mental tension, agony and are in search of peace. Through positive thinking and meditationI have come back to my self. If you would like to come closer to your SELF you may like to be in touch with me.
Note: I only show you the way, you only have to walk. You will only receive sensations which you should follow up to increase your spiritual powers.
The simplest and highest method of meditation. Life through meditation that I learned and found. Despite my not wanting me to my students forced me to write my experiences. I had urged his followers to believe Because I was very much like to visit within a book. breath in mind that the processes by which man makes his first visit in And the other world. This method is not today’s, but thousands of years old.
I learned this method and to whom ? I was writing in my book named Antas Ki Yatra in Hindi language, I have it. As I get time I'll try to tell people through this blog.
हिमाचल गिरिपार के हाटी आदिवासियों के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
For more details about Hatti Tribes of Giripar Himachal Pradesh click here


Divya Jyoti Temple & PRANDHYAN KENDRA. Location: Jaamana, Dist. sirmour Himachal Pradesh. ( border of Himachal Pradesh and Uttara Khand. Hight 1235 mts). 95 K.M. From Dehradun via Vikas Nagar, 55 K.M. from Paunta Saheb.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Look out! These religious stores

Look out! These religious stores
I wanted to be associated with a social organization dedicated to serving the people that do the rest of your life. I get positive thoughts and sensations whom had some knowledge of life care. I wanted that I attach from an institution where either I can make your pre-acquired knowledge to enhance sensations or as much as I know whom I could share the rest.
Read the literature, mostly I feel like the owner of religious outlets. Everyone involved in your care about literature or other product to sell.
Here I would like to keep to the point of yoga. Because yoga is not my subject. I meditated on the simplest and the highest was looking for other methods. I thought!Yes! Is a better way to travel within Vipasyana.
I decided that I was taught by his master that he will use the same method of meditation taught. He had called attention to life.
Within this method of meditation I ever had the pleasure to visit and how much will it matter.
Remember, love, compassion and emotion has no language.
It can only be understood and explained.
That it feels may be obtained.